Head and brain injuries can lead to significant long-term effects such as minor and major fatigue, dizziness, personality changes, paralysis, and cognitive impairment. These injuries are very common in industries where workers are often required to for long shifts and in extreme environments.
Common Causes
Some of the most common ways how people get head and brain injuries include trips, slips, falls, and getting hit by an object or vehicle such as a forklift.
Whether you operate a food and drink business, a construction and site development company, or a retail store, you should establish reliable and effective safety measures in your facility and provide your employees with effective training and premium quality PPE (personal protective equipment).
Ways to Avoid Brain Injuries in a Workplace
Whether an employee gets a mild bump on their head at work or goes through a traumatic brain injury, employers can be held accountable for head injuries taking place in their facility. Let’s look at some ways you can prevent head injuries in your facility.
Provision of Finest Personal Protective Equipment to all Workers
Since most brain injuries are caused by fall accidents, employers should provide all their workers high quality personal protective equipment like hard hats. Hard hats can help your workers prevent burns from direct contact with wires and injuries from falling objects.
To make sure your workers carefully carry out their jobs, you need to familiarize them with their workplace environment, surroundings, risks, and hazards. You need to guide them on the safe way to execute the daily industrial operations and educate them on how they can complete their tasks under dangerous conditions. If you use forklifts, cranes, and ladders in your facility, train them about the safe handling of these objects.
Reliable Work Injury Law Firm in California
At the Law Office of Harley Merritt, we’re recognized as a trusted worker’s compensation legal services provider with a team of highly experienced and qualified worker’s compensation attorneys onboard. We help our clients with the workers’ compensation claim settlement and guide them about their rights. If you want to learn about the benefits for injured workers, reach out to us today.
Disclaimer: This article is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.
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